Mooring Monitoring for floating wind turbines - DIONYSOS project webinar
Mooring Monitoring for floating wind turbines: DIONYSOS project webinar
WFO Annual Event in Barcelona
WFO Annual Event 2025
EERA DeepWind 2025

The EERA DeepWind conference takes place on 15-17 January in Trondheim, Norway organized by SINTEF, NTNU, and the EERA Joint Programme on Wind Energy. The program features a combination of plenary presentations designed to engage a wide audience and specialized sessions, including parallel presentations and poster displays, focused on specific science and technology themes.

The EERA DeepWind showcases the latest research and innovation in deep-sea offshore wind farms, encompassing both bottom-fixed and floating technologies.
The conference will cover a wide range of topics central to offshore wind energy, including advancements in turbine and generator technology, grid integration, met-ocean conditions, and wind farm optimization. Key themes also include substructures, mooring, marine logistics, operation and maintenance, experimental validation, and control systems. Societal and environmental impacts, regulatory challenges, and innovations in mass production, advanced manufacturing, and digitalization, such as AI applications for improved efficiency, will also be explored.

Our poster presentation titled “Advancing Floating Offshore Wind Technology: Three-Way Validation of the 2MW DemoSATH Prototype” will showcase experimental testing and validation efforts. The presentation will be delivered by Borja Navascués, Subsea Engineer.
