Saitec Offshore joins Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE)

Japan Wind Energy 2019 (28-29 October at Osaka)
La eólica marina: la punta de lanza del desarrollo tecnológico español (6 de noviembre en Madrid)

Saitec Offshore Technologies has signed an agreement with Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) aiming to join forces with other companies and stakeholders of the industry that are key to build up wind energy ecosystem in Spain.

This membership means a great milestone for Saitec Offshore Technologies because it confirms the company’s commitment to the development of the sector as it has tangible impact on local economic and employment and it is expected to grow in the following years.
Additionally, another key goal is to promote and accelerate investments and to raise awareness of offshore floating wind sector in Spain.

Juan Moya García, Business Development Manager of Saitec Offshore Technologies: “As one of the few offshore wind floating platform designers in the world, Saitec Offshore Technologies should be part of AEE. We are delighted to join the association to help the fledging but unstoppable floating offshore wind sector to set foot in Spain, as it is already doing all around the world at a great speed”.

AEE is an association that brings together over 200 companies and coordinates research into the areas surrounding wind energy. It contributes to the formulation of the normative framework with a view to the sector developing under the best possible conditions. It disseminates the reality of wind energy and endeavors to raise awareness in society. It sets in motion high-level events at which it brings together prominent national and international personalities. It publishes reports and studies which are a reference.

Moreover, AEE exercises the secretariat of REOLTEC (Technological Platform for the Wind Sector), it coordinates with ICEX the presence of Spanish companies at fairs and congresses abroad and is a member of international associations such as WindEurope (former EWEA).

About AEE

The Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) is the voice of the wind sector in Spain. It promotes the use of wind energy in Spain, Europe and worldwide. It represents and defends the interests of the sector.

With about 200 member companies, it represents more than 90% of the sector in Spain which includes promoters, wind generator and component manufacturers, national and regional associations, organizations connected with the sector, consultants, lawyers and financial entities, among others.

About Saitec Offshore

Saitec Offshore Technologies is a spin-off from Saitec Engineering -a civil  engineering company with 30 years of experience-, created to globalize offshore wind by developing the most cost effective floating technology: SATH ©, a game-changing solution that removes the barriers related to water depth, reduces both CAPEX and OPEX and enhances local content.
