
DemoSATH Lab reconocido por promover la convivencia en proyectos de energía eólica flotante

Since its inception, DemoSATH Lab has continuously expanded, incorporating new areas of research to gain a deeper understanding […]

AQUASATH: Acuicultura sostenible dentro de la iniciativa DemoSATH Lab

The AQUASATH Project is part of the DemoSATH Lab initiative, which leverages infrastructure designed for renewable energy generation […]

Proyecto FLOWIND: Soluciones avanzadas para la operación y mantenimiento (O&M) de la eólica flotante

The FLOWIND project focuses on researching new solutions for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of floating wind energy […]
DemoSATH first year

DemoSATH cumple su primer año en operación

September 23, 2024, marks the first anniversary of DemoSATH’s successful operation at BiMEP, a significant milestone for floating […]
European researchers’ night in Bizkaia inspiring the next generation

La noche europea de los investigadores en Bizkaia: Inspirando a la próxima generación

We had the pleasure of sharing our latest advancements and ongoing work with the youngest members of the […]
DemoSATH certificate

El proyecto eólico flotante DemoSATH obtiene la certificación final de prototipo por parte de Bureau Veritas

El proyecto eólico flotante DemoSATH obtiene la certificación final de prototipo por parte de Bureau Veritas […]
DemoSATH Lab

RWE y Saitec colaboran en la elaboración de estudios complementarios ambientales en el proyecto eólico marino flotante DemoSATH

. The DemoSATH floating offshore wind turbine has been operational off the Basque coast since September 2023 and […]

Rhinoceros user webinar now avaible on Youtube

Our colleagues, Oriol de Quinana and Mikel Baliño gave a master class on the use and integration of […]
Bahia H2 Offshore

Bahía H2 Offshore, promoviendo el futuro del transporte del marítimo con amoniaco verde

Recognizing the urgent need for environmental sustainability in transportation and logistics, our mission is to pioneer a green […]