News and events


La eólica marina: la punta de lanza del desarrollo tecnológico español (6 de noviembre en Madrid)

6 Nov 2019 Saitec Offshore participa en la sesión Proyectos de I+D+i de plataformas flotantes desarrollados por empresas […]

Saitec Offshore joins Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE)

Saitec Offshore Technologies has signed an agreement with Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) aiming to join forces with […]

Japan Wind Energy 2019 (28-29 October at Osaka)

28 – 29 Oct 2019Osaka, Japan Luis González-Pinto, CCO Saitec Offshore Technologies, is going to participate as a […]

International Forum of Floating Offshore Wind Farm (21-23 October at Ulsan)

Ulsan, South Korea South Korea is committed to comply with sustainable development in line with “Renewable Energy 3020 […]

Saitec lands EU funds for 10MW+ floating wind design

Spanish engineering consultancy Saitec Offshore has secured almost €2m from the European Commission (EC) to build a part-scale […]

Wind energy accounts for twice as many jobs in the Basque Country as coal does in Spain as a whole

La eólica genera en Euskadi el doble de empleos que el carbón en toda España El dato lo […]

Offshore wind farms to test business in deep water

Advocates of floating offshore wind platforms say they are cheaper to run and install, less disruptive to sea […]

Saitec Offshore stands out for its commitment to research, development and innovation

The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) has granted Saitec Offshore S.L. the Seal of Innovative SME, […]

Saitec Sends SATH Floating Platform to France

Saitec Sends SATH Floating Platform to France Spanish floating wind platform developer Saitec Offshore Technologies has been awarded […]