FLOAT&M: Digital twins and digitalisation for floating wind

Blue Zone Forum
Blue Zone Forum
Unlocking the secrets of DemoSATH: A TV program unveils Spain’s pioneering floating wind project
FLOAT&M project

FLOAT&M is one of our innovation collaborative projects, and as coordinators of the consortium, we had the opportunity to present updates and the latest findings at the O&M Subcommittee meeting organized by the WORLD FORUM OFFSHORE WIND (WFO) on 31 October 2023.

The main motivation of the project is to address the challenges that arise within the operation and maintenance (O&M) services in offshore wind energy developments. The need to improve efficiency, facilitate state monitoring, and reduce personnel interventions is essential to enhance the competitiveness of the projects in this field.

Carlos Garrido-Mendoza, Head of Innovation, explained to the audience attending this virtual meeting the relevant information on maintenance optimization:

To solve the challenges in the O&M activities of floating wind, integrating digitalization, automation and the development of new materials that increase the useful life of assets, is the main objective of FLOAT&M. In this context, which offers a wide range of opportunities, the FLOAT&M partners have come together to improve the O&M of floating wind in six key aspects, which are: monitoring the condition of the wind asset, increasing reliability, minimizing non-operating hours, reducing the need for access to the platform, increased safety of persons, and increased service life.

Digitalisation of O&M: Digital twins

On this occasion, the presentation focused on the digitalisation of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) in floating wind, bringing a range of benefits for optimizing the performance and management of offshore wind energy systems, considering the following:

  • Real-time monitoring allowing O&M teams to monitor and assess the system remotely. This ensures quick response to issues and proactive maintenance.
  • Predictive maintenance: By analysing data from the digital twin, predictive maintenance models can be developed. This helps in identifying potential failures before they occur, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
  • Asset performance: Digital twins allow for a comprehensive view of the entire asset’s performance, including the wind turbine, platform, and mooring system. This helps in optimizing energy production and extending the asset’s lifespan
  • Efficient decision-making: O&M teams can make informed decisions based on the data from the digital twin. This includes deciding when to perform maintenance, optimizing energy production, and managing the system effectively.
  • Reduced downtime: The ability to predict failures and optimize maintenance schedules reduces downtime, increasing the overall energy production and profitability.
  • Cost savings: By avoiding unnecessary maintenance and reducing downtime, digital twins can lead to substantial cost savings in O&M.

In summary, Digital twins for O&M in floating wind offer a powerful tool for optimizing the performance, safety, and longevity of offshore wind energy systems. They enable predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and data-driven decision-making, ultimately contributing to the success and sustainability of the industry.

FLOAT&M has been co-financed by the Department of Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government (Hazitek programme 2021) and the ERDF (European Union through the European Regional Development Fund) 2021-2027.
