News and events

DemoSATH design assessment

PREDICARG: optimizando la vida útil de los sistemas de fondeo para la eólica flotante

El Proyecto PREDICARG ha llegado al final de su ejecución con resultados satisfactorios para las organizaciones integrantes del […]

Waterford Energy Services Inc. and Saitec Offshore Partnership Successful Winners in NRCAN Emissions Reduction Fund Competition

Waterford Energy Services Inc. (WESI) and Saitec Offshore Technologies were successfully awarded funding by the Government of Canada […]
World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021

Article: Hector Zarraga, DemoSATH HSE Manager We have celebrated the World Day for Safety and Health at Work […]
Offshore & Floating Wind Virtual Summit 2021

Offshore & Floating Wind Virtual Summit 2021

Floating offshore wind technology has now firmly hit its stride and will be the cornerstone of many countries’ […]

Virtual Conference on Offshore Wind Transmission

Global Transmission Report is organising the 2nd edition of its conference on Offshore Wind Transmission Europe as an online event on May 11-12, 2021. […]
Europe floating wind

Floating Wind Europe 2021

Floating Wind Europe is our next date on the floating wind calendar. This virtual event starting on Wednesday […]
Asia Offshore Wind Day

8th Asia Offshore Wind Day

On 2-3 March, we would be presenting our latest updates on floating wind projects. The event organized by […]
Floating offshore wind project SATHScale

SATHScale awarded to accelerate SATH Technology commercialization

We are really happy to announce that Saitec Engineering has been awarded with 2.4M€ funding by the European […]
Offshore Wind Market Updates

Webinar: Offshore Wind Market Updates

Do you want to know more about the situation of floating wind energy in Spain? World Forum Offshore […]